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The Grinch

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Quantum Chef 10 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #7996

    Joshua Marnik

    So having tried this recipe four times now with the same outcome.

    First and second tries I followed the directions to the T – 400ml of melon liquor to one Sa (sodium alginate) and adding four cups of water to one Cl with the same outcome of the liquor dissolving as soon as it entered the Cl bath.

    Third trial I used 415ml and the fourth with 390ml. Every time and trial had the same effect.

    Both Sachets did no dissolve in either bath completely so chunks were visible floating.

    I am starting to wonder if these kits have a shelf life and just how dependable they really are


    Quantum Chef

    The melon liquor brand you are using could be too acid for the basic spherification.

    2 options …

    1 – try another brand, Midori works well
    2 – fix the PH with sodium citrate

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