Reverse Spherical Mozzarellas Recipe
This molecular gastronomy recipe is another creation of Ferran Adria and el Bulli team. This molecular gastronomy recipe is based on the reverse spherification technique and it is one of the most popular spherification dishes.
Mozzarella Mixture Ingredients
- 220 g (7 oz) Buffalo Mozzarella
- 150 g (5.3 oz) Mozzarella whey (you may need to buy more buffalo mozzarellas to have enough whey)
- 70 g (2.5 oz) heavy cream
- 4 g salt
Alginate Bath
- 1500 g (53 oz) of water
- 7.5 g sodium alginate
Start by preparing the alginate bath. Mix the sodium alginate in the water using an immersion blender until the sodium alginate is completely dissolved. If this is your first time doing this, be aware that this may take longer than expected. Let it rest for 24 hours in the fridge so that the air that has entered the mixture disappears and the sodium alginate is completely rehydrated.
To create the mozzarella mixture start by shredding the mozzarella with your hands and put it in a blender together with the mozzarella whey. Blend it until you obtain a slightly grainy cream.
Boil the heavy cream and add it to the mozzarella mix. Shred in blender for 10 seconds.
Add the salt and mix.
You are now ready to start the spherification process! Remove the alginate bath from the fridge. Scoop the mozzarella mixture with a half sphere 15ml measure spoon and carefully pour it into the alginate bath. It is important that the spherical mozzarellas don’t touch since they would stick together. Leave the spherical mozzarellas "cooking" for about 12 minutes in the alginate bath and then carefully remove them using a slotted spoon.
Then rinse them very gently with water and strain them carefully. If desired they could be stored in a sealed container with water in the fridge. To improve the technique read 10 Tips to Create a Perfect Sphere.
Serving suggestions
- Serve with peeled tomatoes about the size of the mozzarella spheres and decorate with a basil pesto and a small basil leaf.
- Serve on a basil jelly, inject tomato water and grind black pepper on top
- Cover in olive oil and grind black pepper on top